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Lyrics by
Janie Worm

From the CD Set Me Free

CH: Rest your heart in the arms of knowing
that all is well on this sweet day.
Life brings change because the heart is still growing.
But the love between us will always remain.

Memories wallpaper my mind, though some rooms are now empty.
I want to leave them behind, but my emotions won’t let me.
There’s so much more I’d like to say, and things I’d like to forget, you see.
But time won’t wash away what the heart knows.


Close your eyes and imagine me there. Tell me how you are feeling,
include every thought, every care. When you’re ready for healing…
…open the window and shine in the sun, hear the birds that are singing.
Think of me and there I’ll be. The heart knows.

Bridge: The river flows with laughter around the bend.
Soul chooses direction of where to begin…. again.

CH: Rest your heart in the arms of knowing
that all is well this sweet day.
Life brings change because the heart is still growing.
But the love between us will always remain.
Yes, all the love that we ever share, the heart knows.

From Set Me Free, released 2017.

Credits from the recording:

Janie Worm-guitar, vocals, djembe, PVC pipe, Douglas Fir cones
Gary Mula- lead guitar, pencil holder, bird call
Gwen Howland – violin

Insider Notes

My friend, Greg Clemons, requested a song about our mutual friend, Belinda. We went to college together and majored in Parks & Recreation. While in school, if there were any outdoor events scheduled for the PR majors, the three of us were always there ready for an adventure.

Years later, Belinda passed away. Since I had lost touch, I found out after the fact. What a beautiful Soul…

When I focused on Greg’s request, this piece emerged. It somehow felt comforting as the lyrics came through, to know that the heart is able to hold love beyond time and space; and that wherever I place my attention, so there I am.

Thank you Greg and Belinda for your amazing friendship and for the fun adventures! “All the love that we every share, the heart knows.”

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