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Lyrics by
Janie Worm

From the CD Higher Ground

I thought I knew love. I was wrong.
I thought I knew of a heart strong.
I thought I could handle the changing tides.
I thought I knew of myself inside.

I thought I knew you. I was wrong.
I thought I knew of a heart strong.
I thought I could handle the changing tides.
I thought I knew of myself inside.

I thought I knew love. I was wrong.
I thought I knew of a heart strong.
I thought I could handle the changing tides.
I thought I knew of myself inside.

thought I knew of love….
thought I knew love….

I’m getting a little, getting a little closer to home.

From Higher Ground, released 2003.
Credits from the recording:
Janie Worm – music, lyrics, guitar & vocals 
Ed Bloom – flute​
Mother Nature – running water, thunder

Insider Notes

​Today I read two quotes​.​ One said ​something like, a scarred heart brings greatness​, and the other said​, “Better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all.​” (​Alfred Lord Tennyson). ​This reminds me in another way that sometimes there is sunshine and sometimes rain. Still, my hope is to learn to appreciate it all on some level, and to stay balanced.
Either way, I love how there’s always a sound in nature to match my mood, or state, as a first step in transforming it. The running water and thunder are perfect examples of that here. Also, the time signature of 5/4 feels significant to me. Often the number 5 is associated with change, and this was definitely written during a transition.
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