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Lyrics by
Janie Worm

From the CD Higher Ground

Where are You, Mama?

Where are you, mama? Are you somewhere nearby?
Do my words ever fly to you when I raise my head to the sky?
Do you know I miss you? How I long for your voice.
Did you have to leave us so soon or did you have any choice.

I am fine, in case you wanted to know.
I try to be a good person inside, but I have a long way to go.
I see you in my hands and my wide open eyes.
And I know it wasn’t comfortable to you, but I still easily cry for you.

Where are you, mama? Are you safe and warm?
Do summer evenings still find you sitting out on the swing of the porch?
Do you know what I look like; know what I have become?
Why did you have to finish your life when mine had barely begun?

I am fine. Life is going quite well.
I’ve got a whole lot of love in my life, and that’s what matters, far as I can tell.
I hear you in the wind and the birds you could name.
I still play the guitar that you bought and the words spill out like rain for you.

Where are you, mama? Tell me where have you gone?
Can I spend some time with you when I feel all alone?
Tell me are you happy? Do you still feel the same?
If I meet inside of my dreams will you still call me by name?

Well I am fine, in case you wanted to know.
I’ve got a family surrounding me now. I guess it’s one that you’ll never know.
I remember your laughter; the many faces you made.
And now that I am much older I appreciate the things you would say to me.

Where are you, mama? Have you found a new home?
If I never see you again, there are a few things I want you to know.
That I long to touch you; to grab hold of your hand; to thank you for giving me life in this strange and interesting land.

And I am fine. This I want you to know.
There’s so much more I want to share of my life and I wish you didn’t go.
I recall your heart’s beating with my head on your chest.
Thanks for all that you did and didn’t do, and thanks for doing your best to love me.

Wherever you are, mama, please know I love you.

From Higher Ground, released 2003.

Credits from the recording:

Janie Worm – music, lyrics, chimes, guitar & vocals
Birds – Northern Bobwhite, Chuck-Will’s-Widow, Whippoorwill & Mourning Dove
Insects – crickets & katydids

Insider Notes

​My mom passed when I was in my 20s. Living close to nature, she taught us to appreciate and become familiar with all that surrounds us including trees, birds, plants and animals. She also loved wind chimes and often sat on the back porch swing listening to the birds and the wind in the trees. This is for you, Mom.
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