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Lyrics by
Janie Worm

From the CD The Journey

Teach me how to love. Give me the strength to open this window. Teach me how to love, to let the light shine into every dusty, dark corner. A faint flicker burns in the far end of this room. The darkness yearns to be awakened from the night, to feel the love of illumination. Cold chambers sleep, and wait for the warm breath of daylight. A stroke on the cheek is all that it takes to bring senses to life again. Teach me how to love. Give me the strength to open this window. Teach me how to love, to let the light shine into every dusty, dark corner. Sunlight streams through revealing the hues of the rainbow, on a painted canvas come true; the animation of dreams through heartfelt emotions. Hope comes alive as melodies dance on a ceiling. Imagination arrives with palate in hand to add detail and meaning. The room now ablaze, consumed by the warm kiss of firelight. While hungry flames shoot out across the sky leaving sprinkles of starlight. New sparks take hold, each twinkle a song of rejoicing. And so goes the flow, burning past this window pane in a silent voice. Teach me how to love. Teach me how to love. Please, teach me how to love.
From The Journey, released 1996. Credits from the recording: Janie Worm – guitar & vocals Gary Mula – bass guitar

Insider Notes

The studio where this was recorded in 1996, was located in the industrial park area of Seattle next door to a sheet metal fabrication shop. If you listen closely, there is a place where it sounds like clapping in the background. At that point in time of recording one of the tracks, someone must have dropped a heavy stack of metal that reverberated into the room. We noticed it when playing back the track, and kept it because we liked it. The timing was perfect in highlighting a point in the song! Funny how those unique sounds are what I end up loving most and listening for in the music each time through. It’s like a dancing ray of light that appears only for a split second, adding color and intrigue to the mix.
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