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Lyrics by
Janie Worm

From the CD Set Me Free

CH: Forgiveness. Forgiveness. A little forgiveness is all we need.
Forgiveness. Forgiveness. I forgive you, and I forgive me.

Well, we do what’s right by our inner light. We choose power or we choose love. We make the ego strong, or sing a soulful song, of the purest, sound above.


Bridge: Now please don’t ask me to follow a truth not my own.
The colors of the rainbow shine through many precious stones.
What we build together is more than we can alone,
and the secret to building is love…. and

CH: Forgiveness. Forgiveness. A little forgiveness is all we need.
Forgiveness. Forgiveness. I forgive you, and I forgive me.

Now everyday, in my own quiet way, I ask the question, “What would love do?” And with a humble heart, I do my part to remain neutral, kind and true.

Bridge: Now please don’t ask me to follow a truth not my own.
The colors of the rainbow shine through everyone.
What we create together is more than us alone,
and the secret to growing is love…. and

CH: Forgiveness. Forgiveness. Forgiveness is all we need.
Forgiveness. Forgiveness. I forgive you, and I forgive me,
because I love you and I love me.

From Set Me Free, released 2017.

Credits from the recording:

Janie Worm – guitar, vocals, drums, lead guitar
Gary Mula – bass guitar

Insider Notes

A few years ago, I had a bumpy patch with an acquaintance and we could not meet eye to eye on an issue. As I looked inside myself for how to move forward, this song, “Forgiveness” came. I realized that life is so generous in offering outer reflections to show me my own edge of growth and learning. In my personal experience, love and forgiveness will resolve almost anything.

Another interesting thing to note is that in the studio I wanted a traditional drum kit sound on this song. Since I play a lot of hand drums, I ended up playing multiple tracks on a drum kit… one using bare hands and others using sticks. It was a lot of fun!

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